A word from ListReady
Principal partner of the REB Top 50 Women in Real Estate 2019
ListReady is proud to partner with REB in announcing the Top 50 Women in Real Estate and would like to congratulate the agents recognised in the report. These women are making headlines in the business world. They’re an inspiration to many and we are proud to be celebrating with you. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to connecting with you in the future.

Now in its fourth year, the REB Top 50 Women in Real Estate ranking for 2019 has been unveiled.
It has established itself as the performance benchmark for female agents in the country.
The ranking celebrates the industry’s leading women and recognises their contribution to the elite performance standards the industry demands of its top achievers.

Total number of sales
Total dollar value of sales
Average number of sales per agent
Average sales price
Average commission
Average days on market

Set against a series of serious challenges, this year’s REB Top 50 Women in Real Estate represents a high-performance group of agents who set an incredible standard; one that is difficult to keep pace with now, let alone pass in the years ahead.
The metrics used to generate the REB Top 50 Women in Real Estate ranking include the number of properties sold, total dollar volume of properties sold and the average sale value. Each agent is ranked comparatively across these three metrics against their peers, with the combined comparative score used to determine the top-ranked women agents in the country.
Close analysis of the 2019 REB Top 50 Women in Real Estate ranking statistics throws up some interesting observations that are not altogether surprising given the market’s current turbulences.

The total number of sales for the whole group fell to 3,514 in 2019, from 3,991 in 2018 after it had settled at 3,391 in 2017 and 3,450 in 2016.
But for the top 10 performers, total sales set a new high-water mark in 2019 at 983 after it had reached 829 last year and hovered at 759 in 2017 and 773 in 2016.
The total dollar value of sales fell to $4.89 billion from $5.47 billion in 2018 for the top 50 women, from $5.01 billion in 2017 and $4.48 billion in 2016.
For the top 10, it fell marginally to $1.62 billion this year, from $1.69 billion last year, but up from $1.55 billion in 2017 and $1.42 billion in 2016. This year’s stats show that the profile of a top 10 woman agent has changed quite remarkably from what it looked like a year ago.

This year, the top 10 agents have 16.5 years’ experience and 2 support staff, reversing from 17 years’ experience and 1.8 support staff members in 2018.
Significantly, they list 116 properties that are sold in 42 days in 2019, quite a way off from the 86 properties listed in 2018 and sold after an average of 29 days on market.
TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
1. Helen Yan
Company: Ray White
Years of experience: 9
Support staff: 1
Residential properties sold: 83
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 194,172,948
$ 2,339,433Averagesale price |
150Residentialproperties listing secured |
36Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
2. D'Leanne Lewis
Company: Laing+Simmons
Years of experience: 26
Support staff: 3
Residential properties sold: 53
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 198,055,688
$ 3,736,900Averagesale price |
57Residentialproperties listing secured |
57Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
3. Tracy Yap
Company: Tracy Yap Realty
Years of experience: 21
Support staff: 2
Residential properties sold: 68
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 137,985,680
$ 2,029,201Averagesale price |
70.5Residentialproperties listing secured |
32Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
4. Vivien Yap
Company: Ray White
Years of experience: 8
Support staff: 3
Residential properties sold: 63
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 145,650,000
$ 2,311,905Averagesale price |
94Residentialproperties listing secured |
99.95Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
5. Tracey Dixon
Company: McGrath Estate Agents
Years of experience: 21
Support staff: 3
Residential properties sold: 51
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 180,804,500
$ 3,545,186Averagesale price |
66Residentialproperties listing secured |
49Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
6. Catherine Dixon
Company: Phillips Pantzer Donnelley
Years of experience: 10
Support staff: 1
Residential properties sold: 59
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 139,492,500
$ 2,364,280Averagesale price |
67Residentialproperties listing secured |
26Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
7. Betty Ockerlander
Company: McGrath Estate Agents
Years of experience: 25
Support staff: 4
Residential properties sold: 101
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 134,949,100
$ 1,336,130Averagesale price |
110Residentialproperties listing secured |
31Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
8. Stephanie Williams
Company: Harcourts Williams
Years of experience: 13
Support staff: 1
Residential properties sold: 59
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 113,016,250
$ 1,915,530Averagesale price |
61Residentialproperties listing secured |
21.7Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
9. Nancy Hu
Company: Fletchers Projects
Years of experience: 11
Support staff: 1
Residential properties sold: 388
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 276,018,674
$ 711,388Averagesale price |
425Residentialproperties listing secured |
36Average dayson market |

TOP 50
Women in Real Estate
10. Romana Altman
Company: Buxton
Years of experience: 21
Support staff: 1
Residential properties sold: 58
Total value if residential properties sold:
$ 107,920,500
$ 1,860,698Averagesale price |
58Residentialproperties listing secured |
32Average dayson market |

let the
do the
Highest average sale price
Highest number of listings
Highest number of sales
Highest total sales volume
Shortest days on market

Their average selling price is down in 2019 too; from $2.04 million in 2018 to $1.65 million, along with their commission – down from 1.71 per cent to 1.51 per cent in 2019.
Contrast this against a typical top 50 woman agent. Top 50 agents are, on average, two years’ less experienced than top 10 agents, and they list significantly less – 88 versus 116 in the 12-month period.
Top 50 agents’ average days on market are also higher at 47 days, while their average sales price is lower at $1.39 million. But their commission is higher than a top 10 performer at 1.64 per cent and they employ an average of 1.75 support staff members – well less than the 2 employed by a top 10 agent.