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Home of the REB Top 100 Agents

Tina Case

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 6

Having extensive knowledge about the property market, integrity, commitment, understanding and achieving outstanding results has seen Tina and her husband Rod open the office of Professionals Office in Lithgow. Tina has recently been rewarded for her efforts in the area of property management as she was awarded Property Manager of the Year 2015 for the eastern states and International Property Manager of the Year 2015 by Professionals Group. She was awarded Regional Property Manager of the Year in 2015 at the Real Estate Business Awards. She was also a finalist for Property Manager of the Year 2014 with the Real Estate Institute of Australia. Professionals Lithgow has also won the Property Management Star Award for the east coast in March 2015, December 2014, June 2014, May 2014 and May 2013.

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Up-to-date procedures equal greater productivity

Up-to-date procedures equal greater productivity

All of us who work in property management have procedures that we complete on a weekly, daily, or sometimes hourly basis...Read More
Keep your emotions under wraps

Keep your emotions under wraps

Recently I had to deal with one of the hardest cases I have ever seen. A situation that had a tenant upset, a landlord u...Read More
Building relationships with your landlords

Building relationships with your landlords

In my last blog, I spoke about the importance of making sure you “put yourself in their shoes” when you are speakin...Read More
Put yourself in their shoes

Put yourself in their shoes

As property managers, we are dealing with so many different things in a day or week that we become desensitised to the n...Read More
Become your area expert

Become your area expert

Something that can make a really big difference to how you and your business are received in your local area is to becom...Read More
Tina Case

Find your point of difference

Something that we hear loads about as property managers is finding your point of difference: What makes you stand out f...Read More