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AUTHOR | No. of articles: 54

Business Manager - Real+ Hermione has been part of the real estate industry for over 10 years. From Property Management to Corporate Leasing, New Business and Team Management. She has successfully managed a broad range of clientele, and delivered winning new business growth strategies.Excelling in areas of team training, leasing product development and implementation of new software, her invaluable skills have led her to Real+ where she is passionate about assisting our clients to achieve their maximum potential through the online learning experience, Real Plus.

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Where do your lost clients go?

When an owner decides to leave, whether through selling, reoccupying, self-managing or transferring the management to an...Read More
Can you believe it’s only 8 weeks until Christmas?

Can you believe it’s only 8 weeks until Christmas?

No, neither can I! This year has flown by, as do most years in property management. Read More

Are you passing the baton or throwing a hot potato?

Remember the game 'hot potato' when we were kids?  That game which involved a circle of people tossing a small beanbag ...Read More

Stress – not everything has to happen now!

Stress, the most common side effect of working in property management, can be a tough hurdle to overcome.  We are bomba...Read More

Don’t just expect the unexpected… plan for it!

I recently heard a trainer use the phrase “property management is a series of predictable surprises”. True, isn’t ...Read More

Do you have outcome-based conversations?

When you become aware of a conversation you must have with someone, especially an unpleasant or tough conversation, your...Read More

A lease-break doesn’t have to be a headache

Hearing the words “I want to break my lease” can bring fear and terror into even the most experienced property manag...Read More

Would you want to receive your newsletter?

Our clients and members often ask us for assistance with developing their monthly e-newsletter or e-marketing for proper...Read More

Got a property that won’t lease?

Tearing out your hair with a property that won’t lease? Freaking out at the days on market creeping up? Having trouble...Read More