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Sydney’s Hills to be serviced by new merged entity

By Grace Ormsby
14 July 2020 | 7 minute read
LaingSimmons merger reb

A new Laing+Simmons is set to open this week, in expectation of greater demand for local market services in Sydney’s Hills District.

The new Laing+Simmons Bella Vista | Glenwood will merge the former Laing+Simmons Bella Vista with a local Glenwood real estate business.

Sam Dalby was head of Laing+Simmons Bella Vista, while Tony Garay is a veteran of the industry, having been a local agency director for more than 20 years.


It’s brought things full circle for Mr Dalby, whose first real estate gig was with Mr Garay’s team back in 2010.

According to Mr Dalby, the pair have always stayed in close contact: “We’ve always had a strong mutual respect, because we’re both locals who know and love the local area.

“It’s a natural fit at this stage to combine our resources, teams and expertise in order to provide a comprehensive, elevated service to our customers and the local community at this time of change.”

And despite the new venture coinciding with a pandemic, it’s not a prospect that seems to faze the pair.

“One of the impacts of the pandemic has been for many people to question whether their current residence is properly suited to their future needs, particularly if that includes a working-from-home arrangement,” Mr Dalby said.

“As such, in recent weeks, we’ve had more conversations with customers who have indicated they are actively looking for a new home, with real plans to move in the second half of the year.”

It’s a sentiment shared by Laing+Simmons network growth manager Travis Wentriro, who said the new office is located in “an established area of Sydney with a diversity of population and housing typology”.

“We believe it is an important component of our broader growth plans and we’re glad we’ll be able to progress those plans with a local team from within our network,” Mr Wentriro said.

According to Mr Dalby, the current market in the Hills District will translate to new opportunities for vendors, especially those with properties in established areas well serviced by transport and social infrastructure.

As a combined team, Laing+Simmons Bella Vista | Glenwood will provide a full suite of real estate services: sales, property management, project marketing, auctions and market appraisals, among other services.

“In the lead-up to our launch, we worked together to digitise our entire backend operation so that, going forward, we can offer customers a full suite of services drawing on new-age technology but combined with good, old-fashioned customer service,” Mr Dalby noted.

Despite having decades of experience under the team’s belt, the real estate agent has highlighted further recruitment as being firmly on the agenda.

“In particular, we’re looking to welcome talented salespeople to our team to service an expected pick-up in activity. From enthusiastic young agents looking to make their mark to experienced operators looking for a new challenge backed by the strength of a leading boutique brand, we’re committed to growth over the long term,” he said.


Grace Ormsby

Grace Ormsby

Grace is a journalist across Momentum property and investment brands. Grace joined Momentum Media in 2018, bringing with her a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) from the University of Newcastle. She’s passionate about delivering easy to digest information and content relevant to her key audiences and stakeholders.

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