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How this Top 100 Agent got his breakthrough – one step at a time

By Tim Neary
28 April 2017 | 6 minute read
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For one of REB’s Top 100 Agents, success didn’t come as a result of one spectacular breakthrough event. Instead, it was a steady climb to the top from day one.

Phillips Pantzer Donnelley’s Jason Panzer, ranked seventh in the REB Top 100 Agents in 2016, says as long as you are doing the right things, and continue to do them, you will be successful in real estate. 

“Longevity breeds success in this industry,” Mr Panzer told the REB Secrets of the Top 100 podcast.


“I started doing two or three things which were part of my daily routine and they snowballed.

“As you start to sell, once youve sold 50 homes, youve met 50 vendors, youve probably met another hundred people at each of those homes, all of a sudden theres 500, 5,000, 10,000 people that youre starting to meet and then youre getting into their networks and then theyre referring people to you and eventually it just grows and grows and grows.”

Mr Panzer said many people fail to understand that it takes years to become an ‘overnight success’ in real estate.

“I think a problem with a lot of people in real estate is those who first get into it see that its all glamorous and, you know, nice cars, nice watches, all that kind of stuff. But its a long hard road to success and I think you need to have a long-term view...

It wasn’t all smooth sailing for Mr Panzer who has experienced some challenging times in his career.

“But I said to myself, Im going to give it five years. I wasnt going to give it two years and make it a decision. I was going to make it five years and if in five years’ time, I wasnt happy and I wasnt earning a living that I was comfortable with, then I would go back to the markets.”

Mr Panzer started his career in the financial markets before moving into real estate at the age of 30. He’s been in the business 12 years today and he’s not looking back.

“Its like building knowledge. The more you know, the better you become and the more people that you meet and the more properties that you sell, the more experience that you get.”

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