Do you have a career focused attitude, asks Tara Milzewski?
Blogger: Tara Milzewski, founder and mentor, BDM Academy
To become a successful Business Development Manager (BDM) you must have the right attitude towards yourself, the team, the product and your clients. These four areas are a must. It only takes one to fall apart and the effectiveness of the BDM will diminish.
The establishment of the right attitude in a property management department begins at the very top. As a BDM, you are a leader and your attitude reflects on your entire team. Even if you miss a listing, or an owner has a change of heart, you must find a way within yourself to stay positive and refocus on your next challenge.
I would love to be able to say that a day in the life of a BDM is stress-free and full of excitement, but I can assure you it is not always that easy. Some days your patience will be tested and it is important you always find a way to remain positive. When the chips are down, do your best to stay true to yourself and to your beliefs. Yes, this can take a bit of work, but if you give in to fear and negativity, you will end up destroying your positive attitude without even realising it.
At the start of the day, focus on your most important and challenging tasks. Mark Twain wisely advised: ‘Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day’. As you carry out your day-to-day duties, capture the good times and celebrate when you achieve a great outcome for the client. Learn and develop from the negatives and always remember, if you don’t find the solution the first time, take the time to reassess and have another go.
Tara’s Challenge
Every day, when you arrive at the office, go around to each team member and say ‘good morning’. Ask them how they are and listen to their answer. Respect your team and come to work each day knowing you not only have the best career but also an opportunity to live your chosen lifestyle. You are the only person who can take control of your day and the way you manage your attitude.
About Tara MilzewskiTara commenced work as a trainee property manager following High School and after gaining valuable knowledge and experience became the business development manager at Wide Bay Prestige Properties.
Tara is dynamic, highly motivated and has a strong passion for business development. She has a very strong understanding and appreciates the importance of growth in the property management department.
Tara’s major accomplishments include successfully securing 268 listings in one financial year and signing 30 new rental listings in one month.
In 2012 Tara won an all-expenses paid trip to Hamilton, New Zealand and spoke on a BDM panel at the REINZ National Conference.
Tara has previously spoken at the 2011 PPM National Conference about building your property management department and has written articles for the Property Management Journal and Real Estate Jobs Search, providing helpful tips for BDM’s.
In 2013 Tara started the BDM Academy and has been contracted to consult for a variety companies throughout Australia and New Zealand. Tara’s vast wealth of knowledge in property management growth is sure to interest real estate principals who are looking to grow their most valuable asset and income stream, their rental roll.
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