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Top industry names to host exclusive REIQ lunch

By Tim Neary
26 February 2018 | 5 minute read
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An international heavyweight and a renowned coach will host an exclusive lunch at the REIQ’s upcoming summit, where they will share their intimate thoughts on some of the industry’s most pressing issues.  

US real estate entrepreneur Brad Inman and popular coach Josh Phegan will host an exclusive Rainmaker Lunch, a closed event for just 30 summit guests who will have the opportunity to pick the brains of two of the profession’s leading thinkers and motivators.

Mr Inman said that the event is a chance to connect in a relaxed environment, airing the issues faced by real estate practitioners everywhere.


“We are going to cover some ground, talking about what technology is coming and what Australian agents need to be ready for and how they can prepare for the disrupters,” the US entrepreneur said.

REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said that this is a “money-can’t-buy” experience.

“There’s simply no other opportunity to get up close and personal with these two incredible speakers,” Ms Mercorella said.

“Brad and Josh are simply amazing, and to be able to pick their brains on all the issues facing your business is, quite frankly, an extraordinary, unbeatable opportunity.” 

She added that this is not an experience that is open to the “big spenders”, but rather to those who have a double pass to the summit.

“You can’t buy your way into this event,” the REIQ CEO said.

The REIQ will draw 30 names at random from all summit two-day ticket holders to attend the lunch.

Ms Mercorella said that to be in the draw, all that needs to be done is to buy a double pass to the summit from REIQSummit.com.au before midnight on 26 February.

The lunch will be facilitated by Peter Brewer.

The REIQ is celebrating its centenary this year and will host a 100-year birthday bash at the end of day one of the summit.

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