Coach, trainer and keynote speaker Lee Woodward feels that it’s now more a case of tech distraction than disruption, especially in the area of lead generation, and that agents have nothing to fear about it, but rather have plenty to gain.
Mr Woodward says that tech works wonderfully for the attraction stage of the real estate transaction.
“It can definitely help to communicate these properties at lightning-fast speed as we text videos, photos, contracts to their phone,” the expert told REB.
“But the agents have got not to be frightened by that, in that many agents think they are not going to be needed. Mate, you’re going to be needed more than ever — to explain that complexity that tech has brought in.”
Mr Woodward added that when it comes down to the communication skills of converting and maneuvering a consumer, the real estate industry is still “beautifully old-fashioned”.
“That somebody wants to chat this through, although they have got every angle and drone image imaginable, at some point you have to sit with somebody and ask them to explain it to you.”
Mr Woodward’s sentiments come in the lead-up to AREC 2018, where he says agents have a golden opportunity to get new ideas and plan for the future.
“The benefit of AREC is that you’ve got the very best brains coming together, it’s the biggest gig in the country. So, from an educator’s perspective, it’s an opportunity to showcase what we have been working on for the last two years.
“There is nowhere else you can go and see such a variety of brains and methods that you can take away your own piece of the puzzle and then implement that into your business.”
He said that it’s not always about what agents can do with the information; rather, sometimes, it is just as valuable to be aware of the information.
“In Australia right now, there are all of these properties being sold through an app and the agents don’t even know it’s being sold through an app. You need to keep up to date, current and relevant, and this will be the place to go and see all of that.”
Mr Woodward said that AREC also provides an opportunity to see where the industry is heading.
“It’s at conferences like this that people make those decisions from a supply point of view,” the expert said.
“We go every year to really walk that floor. You can feel the vibe of direction of what is being pushed and where are the billions of dollars being invested. As an agent working in your own little pocket of the world, you wouldn’t see that. It is more of a national and international view of your own craft.”
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