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Why now is the perfect time to rethink your business strategy

By Shane Kempton
30 September 2019 | 11 minute read
Shane Kempton reb

It was a big weekend with the AFL Grand Final on. However, there is something else significant, and that is, it’s the end of the first quarter of 2019–2020 and we are heading into quarter two.

Now is the time to be revisiting, reviewing and updating your one-page business plan. And here’s my coaching tip around this.

“We don’t rise to the level of our goals, rather we fall to the level and effectiveness of our systems and routines.”


What does this mean?

Well, just because you write down a bigger goal or target will not mean you will achieve it. Something needs change.

For example, if in the first quarter you wrote $50k in commission or did six sales or listed 12 properties to sell or lease, and in Q2 you wanted to increase to $60k in commission or nine sales or list 15 properties to sell or lease, you will need to upgrade and enhance the systems and routines that delivered your previous quarter’s results.

If you don’t, then you will, at best, get the same result from Q1, but more likely, go backwards as our competitors get better.

We are creatures of habit and unless we make conscious decision and take proactive actions to change and upgrade them, we will stay in our familiar comfort zone of predicable results and no growth.

Therefore, what Actions, Routines and Systems do you need to enhance this quarter in order to achieve your growth objectives?

Once you have those upgraded Actions, ask yourself, “Who do I need to BE to DO these new actions to HAVE the desired results?”.

All results and outcomes in your life start with how you are showing up each day.

Constantly and proactively do your check-up from the next up to see if you are being and behaving like the person who would achieve those upgraded results.

In terms of your habits and routines, if you are showing up and being the same person as you were in Q1 and expecting a better result, your formula is flawed and
you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Remember, when it comes to achieving things in our life, it’s not HAVE DO BE — it’s BE DO HAVE.

Have an epic day.

By Shane Kempton

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