We want to become better. We want to be in a better place than where we are right now. We all have aspirations. We want to be more financially stable. We want to be healthier. We want to be more emotionally balanced, writes James Short.
Whatever it is, our core desire is to improve ourselves. As human beings, we are always striving to become better. To have more. That is why we have goals.
Reaching those goals is not the end of the journey. It’s just one step towards something better. It does not end. There is always that something that we want to aim for. And that’s a good thing. You don’t ever want to go stagnant. Go for the next thing. Be successful. However, success does have its negative side.
I’m sure you want to be successful. Everyone does. We want to win. It is in our very nature. The desire to be successful is what drives us to keep on moving forward. To soldier on despite the difficult challenges.
What most people are not aware of is that success itself is one of those challenges.
Being able to succeed feels so good and satisfying that we become blind to the downsides that come with it. You should work towards being successful but also be aware that it can prevent you from accomplishing your next goal.
Losing focus
Achieving just one of your goals is considered to be a success. And with success comes distractions. Let’s say your goal is to expand your business. Successfully doing that brings more opportunities to the table.
You now have a lot more options you can take which means possibly upgrading your infrastructure, updating your processes, or increasing your manpower. The question is, are those new opportunities and options going to help you reach your one big goal?
Remember that achieving one goal is just one step to the big one. The challenge here is keeping your focus. You want to keep on succeeding and the key to ongoing success is focus.
Staying in your comfort zone
Success makes us feel good. It makes us want to stay in that feel-good zone.
We call it the comfort zone, and staying in your comfort zone means that you are becoming complacent and stagnating. Your competitors are not going to wait for you. Enjoy the moment.
Celebrate and maybe give yourself some time off, but don’t get too comfortable. Keep going and keep succeeding.
By James Short, consultant
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