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5 ways to feel better during lockdown

By Kylie Davis, Rise Initiative
16 July 2021 | 5 minute read
real care app main guy

Real estate has always been a stressful job. Research of more than 1,000 Australian real estate agents has found that two out of five agents feel overwhelmed by their work and almost half (47%) say that anxiety is a consistent part of their professional life. Alarmingly, some 65% of agents report physical symptoms caused by job-related stress and anxiety.

The pressure of Covid lockdowns has exacerbated this pressure, but very real help is available. The Real Care app is a new tool designed specially for real estate agents and property managers to help you stay on top of your mindset and manage your mental health. 

It features tools and exercises to help you stay well during Covid, manage stress, anger and anxiety, exercise and sleep better and even includes links to counselling services if you require urgent assistance. 

“During times of mental stress, it is completely normal to withdraw into ourselves, rationalise our thinking and get into a headspace where doing anything different feels like too big a bother,” said Rise co-founder Chris Hanley. 

“But taking one small step - like spending 10 minutes on the Real Care App rather than doom scrolling on Facebook - can be the start of a turn around. 

“Remember - you are not the first person to feel like this. Others have experienced it and the Real Care app has captured all the elements that mental health professionals have proven work to create a shift.”

Here are five ways the Real Care app can help you feel better. 

  1. Check in on your thinking

    The Real Care app has an entire section on staying well during Covid, including outlining things you can do to stay connected, ideas on lockdown exercise options and ways to stay positive and improve your mood. These are not just cheesy ‘think positive’ mantras” but proven activities designed by psychologists and experts in the mental health field to help you reflect, see benefits and set achievable goals to support your performance longer term.  It will also help you assess and gauge your thinking so you can monitor your progress.

  2. Control your breathing

    When we feel stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and our shoulders lift creating additional tension. Doing some breathing exercises for just a few minutes a day can help improve your mood, ease stress and reduce your blood pressure. The Real Care app features timed breathing exercises so all you have to do is put in your earbuds, sit comfortably, close your eyes and follow the meditation.

  3. Stay active

    The gym might be closed and you’re limited to an hour a day outdoors, but that doesn’t mean Netflix on the couch is your only option. Daily exercise helps improve sleep and ensures you stay energised. And it doesn’t have to be training for a marathon -  it might be a spot of gardening, or learning a dance. The Real Care app has some great ideas for exercise options you can achieve at home or while socially distanced, and will help you set activity goals - no matter what level of fitness you might be.

  4. Sort out your finances

    With reduced listings on the market, it’s likely your income will be affected, but avoiding the issue only tends to make you worry more. The Real Care app features budgeting tools that will help you take control of your finances, be honest on your expenses and set new goals and getting clarity on all of these things can be quite cathartic. Step through the recommended exercises today and you’ll have a game plan for when lockdown ends, and be clear on the targets you need to hit.

  5.  Call for backup

    There are times when our thoughts can overwhelm us. The most important thing to realise if this happens to you is that you are NOT alone, and there is help available with people who can help you move out of crisis. The Real Care app is linked to contacts for a range of support services including community and state based mental health crisis services, as well as access to three free personalised counselling sessions through the real estate Employee Assistance Program made available by Domain. All sessions are completely confidential.

Click here to find out more about the Real Care app and Rise Initiative.

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