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Why you need a mentor – and why you should become one

By Manos Findikakis
01 December 2021 | 7 minute read
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Real estate can be an emotional rollercoaster. One day you’re winning every listing; the next, you’re hitting the phones with little success.

That means staying on track and accountable is a battle of resilience, and it’s one where you need solid allies in your corner to ensure you win.

So, who exactly are your allies? Well, they are your mentors, and I’d argue they are key to every great agent’s success.


Here are the reasons you need a mentor and why, when the time is right, you should consider becoming one in return.

Why mentors are a must

Mentors are the people you bounce your ideas off. They hold you accountable to your personal goals and help you stay motivated and focused in good times and bad.

They are also the trusted people who will set you straight when you get off track, or gently deliver the harsh reality you may not want to hear.

The right mentor will understand what you’re trying to achieve and help you stay true to your personal vision and ambition.

You need mentors to learn what to do AND what NOT to do because, ultimately, the right mentors will fast track your success.

Who makes a great mentor?

Mentors are not necessarily a singular person. In fact, many great agents, leaders and business people have more than one, allowing them to seek multiple opinions on a matter or specialist advice in the mentor’s area of expertise.

A mentor does not necessarily need to be someone you sit down and talk with face-to-face either. Although that accountability can be advantageous.

In this golden age of social media connectivity, a mentor might be someone you follow without ever meeting them, who allows you to get inside their head courtesy of proven strategies and insights.

What skills should I seek from my mentors?

I believe you need mentors in every area that you want to grow in.

In sales, you need a mentor who can share how they work with a team and achieve a work/life balance.

In leadership, you need a mentor who offers insight into finding your confidence and your leadership style and playing both to their strengths.

But it’s not just about seeking guidance for your career. It’s also important to seek mentors who help with relationships to ensure you don’t lose sight of what’s important in your life.

These mentors should be someone you trust and are drawn to because of their ethos, including the way they work and what they achieve personally and/or professionally.

This trust will be important because a great mentor will tell you what you need to know, offering firm advice and unbiased opinions.

They will tell you when you are slipping and help get you back on track. They encourage you, remind you of your strengths, assist with your weaknesses and steer you in the right direction when you have self-doubt.

Mentoring to give back

True success occurs when you become a mentor for someone else.

At this stage, the wisdom you have gained in your own journey will be incredibly valuable to someone else.

It’s an opportunity to guide someone about the road ahead, share what you have learned, and provide insight into the knowledge you have gained along the way.

The reality is, giving back is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone else and yourself.

Not only is it incredibly fulfilling, but the more you mentor, the more you personally grow and learn, and the more you have the opportunity to put your own journey into perspective.

As a network, Eview understands the value of providing mentors to our team.

In addition to the incredible support we provided behind the scenes, many of our members are mentors to others in our group.

Ultimately, it provides a win-win environment where an empowered culture is nurtured and shared.

Manos Findikakis is CEO and co-founder of the Eview Group.

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