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How Scott Thornton tackles Facebook and LinkedIn

By Shared from www.domain.com.au
30 March 2016 | 7 minute read

Scott Thornton is an award-winning agent. In 2015 he made more than $1 million in commissions, had a 100 per cent clearance rate and broke five price records.

Based at McGrath’s Mosman office, he specialises in properties on Sydney’s lower north shore, with a particular focus on the Mosman, Neutral Bay and Cremorne areas.

He spoke with Domain about the power of relationship building in the local community and how he unlocked the power of social media.


Why did you choose a career in real estate?

I've had an interest in real estate and architecture since high school. I studied interior design at Enmore design college, where I realised I was more suited to a career in real estate.

Your LinkedIn and Facebook pages are well established, what inspired you to establish those profiles?

Realising their popularity and the ability to cut through to my target audience that a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn provided, I thought it would be the best platform to push my overall brand.

Where do you get the content that you post to the sites and how do you select what to post?

I work very closely with the CampaignTrack content marketing team. We catch up once a month and discuss current insights and trends that I believe are relevant to my target audience and pertinent to their situation.

What has the feedback been like?

The feedback has been absolutely brilliant. It really has provided a platform that has established my brand and professionalism in the marketplace.

How important is relationship building in the local community to your business?

Relationship building is imperative to establishing a successful business. I truly believe you need to have a genuine and authentic connection of wanting to be part of the community rather than wanting business from it.

What makes you successful? Is it your pitch? Your contact book? Your marketing strategy?

I believe it’s a combination of all three and my knowledge of my marketplace that I live and breathe every day. More importantly, I believe much of my success has come from my authenticity and care for my clients, and my desire to achieve the best outcome for them.

10 quick questions

What do you consider your greatest asset as a real estate agent?

My desire to do the best for my clients.

What’s your favourite part of your job?

It’s honestly exceeding my clients' expectations. That may sound corny but I love helping them realise their dreams.

What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?

Selling my parents’ home – that was a challenge.

What has been the biggest change in the industry since you started out?

The new laws around quoting.

Who do you admire in the real estate industry?

John McGrath.

What has been the biggest learning curve in your career so far?

Not to take things personally.

If you could live in any house you have listed/sold, which one would it be?

14 Adderstone Avenue, North Sydney.

Favourite suburb in Sydney and why?

There are a number of special places in Sydney that I admire. My favourite suburb would have to be Mosman as it’s rich in history and heritage and commands some of the most beautiful and inspiring views.

What is your motto?

Be real and care.

Best piece of career advice you were ever given?

Ask the right questions and listen.

Originally published by Domain Group.

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