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Does your real estate brand matter?

By Tim Neary
15 September 2016 | 5 minute read
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To what extent does the strength of your real estate brand affect you? Would you switch networks if there was a better offer out there? 

When considering switching real estate groups, top-performing agents, principals and property managers are significantly more likely be attracted to firms or groups with established reputations for excellence, new research has revealed.

The release of the provisional results from the Real Estate Group of Choice survey, partnered by REB, has identified that as many as 50 per cent of real estate agents will consider the public image of a corporate group before deciding whether they wish to join it.


Do you agree? Have your say and complete the survey HERE.

Momentum Intelligence head of client services and sales research, Andrew Scott, said the Real Estate Group of Choice findings confirm the extent to which the industry’s best rely on firms of distinction to back up their own performance, especially in this time of disruption.

“It has become clear that successful real estate professionals understand their own potential success is intrinsically tied to a firm’s standing within the community,” Mr Scott said.

“Agents clearly recognise that this is still an industry where success is made on building authority in their local catchment areas, the communities they represent.”

The Real Estate Group of Choice annual survey is the pre-eminent research for Australia’s real estate industry, gauging the sentiments and attitudes of real estate professionals about the level of support they want from their parent groups.

It is still open, and agents who take part stand a chance to win a case of Bollinger champagne.

Get involved in the survey NOW.

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