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Property manager of the year announced at LPMA

By Steven Cross
22 April 2013 | 5 minute read

Winners of the Leading Property Managers of Australia (LPMA) awards were announced at the group’s conference last week on the Gold Coast.

With 400 delegates attending the two-day event, speakers from around the country shared their passion for property management.

LPMA managing director Bob Walters announced the first winner of the night, Harris Property Management, who took out the customer service award.


“The company who is this year’s winner has displayed industry-leading customer service including three-person PODs (or teams) managing portfolios of properties, with clients benefiting by having three team members who are familiar with their properties,” Mr Walters said.

For the second year in a row, Deniz Yusuf from Integrity Real Estate won the business development award.

“This year’s winner signed 317 new managements from 367 appraisals, with an astonishing 84 per cent at full fees … our winner is becoming something of a legend in LPMA,” Mr Walters said.

Utilising blogs and extensive SEO, Total Care Property Management won the best website award, while Esther Nilson from Rentwest Solutions won the rising star award.

Lauren Cail from Hodges Prahran/South Yarra won Property Manager of the Year with Mr Walters acclaiming her as “a superb property manager”.

“Our winner has a never ending thirst for knowledge, attending every training opportunity possible. Our winner uses the knowledge gained through training to coach and mentor other members of the property management team,” he said.

Map Real Estate won Property Management Company of the Year after introducing a raft of changes over the past 12 months.

Michael Furlong from Map said in his acceptance speech that after seeing his competitor win an LPMA award the year before, he set winning the 2013 award as his goal.


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