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Industry rallies behind PM outcast

By Elyse Perrau
18 September 2014 | 6 minute read

Property managers nationwide have banded together to support a PM business who had its membership to a local industry body pulled over an ad deemed too racy.

Last week Coral Sea PM office, based in Queensland, told Residential Property Manager it believed it had been unfairly targeted by the REIQ over marketing campiagns which met with disapproval.

Coral Sea’s membership to the REIQ was pulled as a result and readers felt the representative body’s action was one similar to that of spoilt children, and a clear over-reaction.


A majority of respondents gave Coral Sea PM their full support.

One reader accused the REIQ of becoming a ground for agents to wage wars on one another, and added franchise groups hold all the power – stifling any opinion from independents.

“I resigned from them (REIQ) seven years ago as I believe they were more interested in protecting lazy agents and actually going against the agents that have good work ethics,” another reader said.

“The REIQ shouldn't get involved in agent-to-agent complaints  as business owners we must provide a stable place to work, and security for employees… with rising costs to run a business, the last thing I need is the REIQ issuing me a ‘show cause’ notice because we spoke to another agent’s client that the agent was too lazy to service.”

Another said it was yet again a sign of the REIQ going after the wrong person.

“What’s wrong with a bit of competition  can't agents just take the sign for what it’s worth,” they said.

“The REIQ should be spending its time looking into real complaints, not going after good agencies that have great marketing ideas.”

A respondent likened the drama unfolding around Coral Sea Property Management to “a real storm in a tea cup”.

“There are so many other more important issues  many that affect both vendors' and buyers' financial position far, far more than a fairly non-offensive sign board,” they said.

Another said, “I find it amazing that the REIQ would take this stand when it is well known to be the biggest fence sitter of all time”.

While the principal of Coral Sea received firm backing by an overwhelming majority of those in the industry, a few pointed out the lack of professionality reflected poorly on the real estate industry.

“It's hardly surprising agents are so poorly regarded in the community, and ads like this reflect extremely poorly on us as so-called professionals,” one reader said.

“Perhaps the REIQ should think about spending a bit more time on its ethics and professional conduct modules so that its members can learn what is permissible and what is not.”

Another respondent backed the REIQ, saying the industry body had always been very supportive and was a useful resource to their office. 

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