A free renting app has been developed in response to the tens of thousands of queries made each year by landlords and tenants.
Consumer Affairs Victoria has released the RentRight app, which will provide Victorian renters with helpful information around tenancy issues.
The agency received more than 90,000 calls from tenants and landlords over the past two years.
It said the most common enquiries related to ending leases, repairs and maintenance, bond, rent increases and entry and inspection requests.
The app features:
• a rental calculator to convert weekly rent into fortnightly, monthly, six-monthly and annual figures
• information on renting rights and responsibilities
• template emails to use for issues such as ending a lease or arranging repairs, including the ability to send photos
The app also allows tenants to send correspondence to property managers and keep a record of it. Consumer Affairs Victoria also developed two videos that talk tenants through common problems.
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