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3 ways to achieve work-life balance

By Hannah Blackiston
21 October 2016 | 7 minute read
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Successful property managers are busy multi-taskers. So how can you achieve work-life balance in such a non-stop frantic environment? 

Here are some work-life balance tips from Real Estate Business’ Top 100 Agents that property managers can implement. 

Take it one step at a time
Work-life balance for Jason Pantzer of Phillips Pantzer Donnelley, REB’s seventh-ranked agent, is a work in progress.

“As the years progress, I’m getting better at that work-life balance,” Mr Pantzer said, adding that flexible hours makes it easier for him to achieve work-life balance.

“If I know that I’ve got appointments that are going to go till eight, nine o’clock at night or if I know that I’ve got an exchange that’s going to go to 10pm on a Friday, I will take time out during the day ... I like to take hour slots out through the day and try and find that balance,” he said.

Become disciplined

Founding director of PRDnationwide Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, Mark Kentwell, who placed 58th in this year’s ranking, said planning helps him ensure his health isn’t neglected.

“I think you need to put the same amount of discipline into your work-life balance as you do in your work,” Mr Kentwell said.

“When it comes to your time off, even in the evenings when you finish work, have some discipline around when you stop working on the screen because that will affect your sleep,” he added.

“If Sunday’s your recharge day, then make it your recharge day ... don’t spread [calls] throughout the day. Have an hour block in the morning, hour block mid afternoon, and then the rest of the day you can be present ... but it needs to be planned because it will overcome and consume you.”

Book a holiday
REB’s number one agent in this year's Top 100 Agents ranking, Phillips Pantzer Donnelley’s Alexander Phillips makes booking holidays a priority to ensure he has some downtime to recharge.


Here are some work-life balance tips from Real Estate Business’ Top 100 Agents that property managers can implement. 

Take it one step at a time
Work-life balance for Jason Pantzer of Phillips Pantzer Donnelley, REB’s seventh-ranked agent, is a work in progress.

“As the years progress, I’m getting better at that work-life balance,” Mr Pantzer said, adding that flexible hours makes it easier for him to achieve work-life balance.

“If I know that I’ve got appointments that are going to go till eight, nine o’clock at night or if I know that I’ve got an exchange that’s going to go to 10pm on a Friday, I will take time out during the day ... I like to take hour slots out through the day and try and find that balance,” he said.

Become disciplined

Founding director of PRDnationwide Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, Mark Kentwell, who placed 58th in this year’s ranking, said planning helps him ensure his health isn’t neglected.

“I think you need to put the same amount of discipline into your work-life balance as you do in your work,” Mr Kentwell said.

“When it comes to your time off, even in the evenings when you finish work, have some discipline around when you stop working on the screen because that will affect your sleep,” he added.

“If Sunday’s your recharge day, then make it your recharge day ... don’t spread [calls] throughout the day. Have an hour block in the morning, hour block mid afternoon, and then the rest of the day you can be present ... but it needs to be planned because it will overcome and consume you.”

Book a holiday
REB’s number one agent in this year's Top 100 Agents ranking, Phillips Pantzer Donnelley’s Alexander Phillips makes booking holidays a priority to ensure he has some downtime to recharge.

“[I get] up at 5.15 every morning and go to the gym. I do at least 10 weeks holidays a year and book those holidays a year in advance, which I’ve done for this year so I’ve got three holidays booked for the next 12 months,” Mr Phillips said. 


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