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The three-part journey to success

By Hannah Blackiston
25 October 2016 | 7 minute read
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Success in real estate is all about energy. BresicWhitney director Ivan Bresic has spent his career perfecting a three-part system to ensure he is always energetic and on top of his game, especially when he’s working with clients.

The physical part
“People want to listen to and do business with people that feel good and have the right energy,” Mr Bresic said at AREC 2016, adding that a large part of having this energy comes from looking after yourself.

“What are you eating, what are you drinking, how much do you sleep? I can’t tell you how many nights a week I sleep before nine o'clock.”

The emotional part
Getting a hold on your emotions and being mentally strong is the next part of ensuring you’re delivering the right energy to your clients. Mr Bresic said it took his business coach questioning his motivations to make him realise he was too focused on his successes and failures.

“About three or four years ago, I had a bad month and my business coach said, ‘How are you going?’ And I said, ‘Not too good’. She said, ‘Why?’ and I said, ‘I haven’t sold much this month’. And she said, ‘You're going to determine your happiness on how much you’ve sold?’ And I said, ‘What else is there?’” Mr Bresic related.

Meditation and making a conscious choice to stay centred helped Mr Bresic get hold of his emotions, which made him a stronger agent.

“If you don’t have this then don’t start,” Mr Bresic said. The hunger to succeed is what’s going to drive you to do the best for your clients, and this is what’s going to give you a great reputation and word of mouth business. Whether you’re passionate about winning clients or passionate about helping people, funnel that passion into your work.

“Don’t go to work six or seven days a week without that because it’s not worth it. What we do is hard work, so you’ve got to be committed,” Mr Bresic said.

The physical part
“People want to listen to and do business with people that feel good and have the right energy,” Mr Bresic said at AREC 2016, adding that a large part of having this energy comes from looking after yourself.

“What are you eating, what are you drinking, how much do you sleep? I can’t tell you how many nights a week I sleep before nine o'clock.”

The emotional part
Getting a hold on your emotions and being mentally strong is the next part of ensuring you’re delivering the right energy to your clients. Mr Bresic said it took his business coach questioning his motivations to make him realise he was too focused on his successes and failures.

“About three or four years ago, I had a bad month and my business coach said, ‘How are you going?’ And I said, ‘Not too good’. She said, ‘Why?’ and I said, ‘I haven’t sold much this month’. And she said, ‘You're going to determine your happiness on how much you’ve sold?’ And I said, ‘What else is there?’” Mr Bresic related.

Meditation and making a conscious choice to stay centred helped Mr Bresic get hold of his emotions, which made him a stronger agent.

“If you don’t have this then don’t start,” Mr Bresic said. The hunger to succeed is what’s going to drive you to do the best for your clients, and this is what’s going to give you a great reputation and word of mouth business. Whether you’re passionate about winning clients or passionate about helping people, funnel that passion into your work.

“Don’t go to work six or seven days a week without that because it’s not worth it. What we do is hard work, so you’ve got to be committed,” Mr Bresic said.


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