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REIQ employee to tackle 500km cycle for charity

By hosman
05 July 2019 | 6 minute read
REIQ John 040719 cropped

A Real Estate Institute Queensland (REIQ) employee will soon be embarking on a 535-kilometre cycle in a bid for charity.

The institute’s business development manager, John McSpedden, will cycle the distance over five days through Thailand as part of the Digital Live Ride 2020 charity event, raising funds for disadvantaged orphans.

But here’s the catch: Mr McSpedden is 69 years of age and will be the oldest entrant to tackle the challenge.


REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said it was an extraordinary challenge, but one that keeps to Mr McSpedden’s personality.

“This is an incredible challenge for any fit human being, let alone for someone who will turn 70 soon,” she said.

“John is a big-hearted, generous person, and this does not surprise me one bit, but that does not take away from the enormously difficult physical undertaking this is. Riding 535 kilometres in five days requires fitness, endurance and determination, and knowing John as I do, that describes him to a tee.”

Mr McSpedden said he joined the challenge as he was motivated to give back to society, following a successful 25-year career in real estate.

“The real estate profession has been very good to me, provided for my family and given me a comfortable living. And while I’ve donated to charity regularly, I haven’t given of my time and my heart,” he said.

“When [Digital Live Ride founder] Steve Carroll told me about the experience, I immediately wanted in. What a wonderful opportunity, biking through the stunning scenery of Thailand and meeting the children at the end of the ride who will directly benefit from my efforts.”

The ride will be a physical and mental test for Mr McSpedden, who currently does not even own a bicycle.

“I haven’t ridden a bike since I was a teenager and this challenge will be the equivalent of riding from Brisbane to Coolangatta every day for five days!” Mr McSpedden said.

He added that he is currently researching the right bike and equipment to buy and readying himself for a strict training regimen before the event in February 2020.

“It’s going to be physically demanding and I’m looking forward to testing myself. I want to push the boundaries and see how I go,” he said.

Mr McSpedden has set himself a goal of $5,000, and REIQ has donated $1,000 to the cause.

To donate, please visit Bit.ly/REIQCharity.


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