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Women 3x more likely to respond to online property ads

By Katarina Taurian
05 August 2019 | 11 minute read
Anjee Hopton reb

New research by Raine & Horne has found that women are three times more likely than men to respond to properties promoted via social media.

The agency has just wrapped up its latest market analysis, with results showing that women are more responsive than men when it comes to digital marketing during the home-buying process.

Compiling the data from its digital marketing tool Amplify, Raine & Horne found 71 per cent of click-through rates on properties advertised online come from women. In comparison, just 27 per cent of click-throughs come from men.


Anjee Hopton, national marketing manager at Raine & Horne Group, said the results reinforce that women are the key decision-maker in the home-buying process.

“Research shows that women across all ages spend more time on social media than men. However, our findings confirm that when it comes to property listings, the gender differences extend well beyond this norm,” Ms Hopton said.

“Over seven out of 10 Amplify ads are viewed by women, compared to 27 per cent by men, highlighting the important role women play in the Australian property market.

“Women have long been recognised as the key decision-maker when it comes to selecting a home. But Raine & Horne’s Amplify results demonstrate the growing number of women purchasing property as a solo buyer, with 28 per cent of women aged 35 to 54 clicking on Amplify ads, compared to 13 per cent of men.”

Further, the research showed women between 55 and 64 years of age are the most responsive to properties promoted via social media, with almost one of five ad views coming from this age bracket.

“This is a really exciting finding as it dispels the myth that when women reach their mid-50s they are no longer active in the property market,” Ms Hopton said.

“Anecdotal evidence from Raine & Horne’s network of 3,000 agents shows that women aged 55-plus are often empty-nesters looking to downsize, or they are buying a home of their own following separation and divorce. A third category of women in the 55-plus age group are not buying themselves, rather they are researching properties that could be ideal first homes for their adult children.

“What these findings highlight is that females cannot be underestimated when it comes to selling property. Women of all ages continue to be a driving force in the market, and property listings need to be appropriately pitched towards modern Australia.”

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