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National network launches ‘OASIS’ off the back of COVID-19

By Grace Ormsby
01 June 2020 | 7 minute read

A new agency platform has been touted as a “financial lifeline” for small agencies and independents that are struggling through the COVID-19 crisis.

@realty has launched the OASIS platform, which it says will allow boutique real estate agencies and sole operators to access the network’s national database and administrative services while still operating under their own brand.

The software — which has been launched ahead of schedule due to the coronavirus — stands for Online Agency Support and Integrated Systems.


It provides a gateway to @realty’s CRM; access to administrative services including trust accounting, graphic design, electronic forms and marketing support; as well as cover under @realty’s professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

According to the statement announcing the service, agents will also be able to access hundreds of hours of free professional training through the @realty Academy.

For @realty managing director JJ Taylor, the OASIS platform “effectively opens the doors to our business, so other brands can come on board and have the firepower of a national agency at their fingertips, while continuing to work under their own banner”.

“Importantly, it provides agents with instant access to an array of income streams, including finance and conveyancing, @realty’s revenue sharing model and property management, with the ability to own rent rolls,” he explained.

Noting that vendors and buyers won’t see any change from an agency’s alliance on OASIS, Mr Taylor said: “It will make a huge difference to those struggling with the cost of operating a small agency or working as a solo agent, because they simply don’t have the economy of scale we do.”

According to the managing director, access to the CRM, software tools, administrative support, reduced marketing costs, insurance and the academy through OASIS is $250 per month, which represent “significant savings in their day-to-day operations and overheads per month for an independent agency utilising similar services”.

“The best part of this opportunity, aside from potentially saving thousands, is that agents still have complete freedom to run their business as they wish,” he continued.

“They can work when they want, where they want and however they want — with full support from our Australian-based head office team.”

Acknowledging the challenging market conditions at present, Mr Taylor has said it is “business as usual” for @realty.

“OASIS is the latest addition to our structure, providing another option agents have in the way they want to operate,” he said.

The @realty software suite also includes digital proposals, action plans, mass email and Click2Buy, an online real estate auction platform, which the managing director indicated has been incredibly popular in recent weeks.

“I think people have adapted quite quickly to using technology to buy and sell real estate, and having this software as part of our toolkit is going to be a huge benefit as we embrace new ways of operating as a result of the pandemic,” he added.

“I think we are emerging from this smarter and more efficient than ever before, and while there is a road to recovery, it’s going to be easier if we are able to be innovative and adapt to new situations.”


Grace Ormsby

Grace Ormsby

Grace is a journalist across Momentum property and investment brands. Grace joined Momentum Media in 2018, bringing with her a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) from the University of Newcastle. She’s passionate about delivering easy to digest information and content relevant to her key audiences and stakeholders.

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