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Supporting the role women play in real estate

By Grace Ormsby
09 March 2022 | 6 minute read
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In the wake of International Women’s Day, there’s been recognition from within the industry of the challenges facing women in the profession.

According to Homely’s head of marketing Amanda Kramer, “women in real estate are underrepresented in terms of numbers at just about every level you can think of”.

Considering equality in real estate as a “collective and ongoing effort”, she said the 8 March date “offers us a particularly powerful moment in time to acknowledge the work that needs to be done in our industries to allow us to thrive”.


Acknowledging and recognising those challenges which do face women in real estate, Homely has released a video that aims to provide “inspiring wisdom and lessons” to the profession – and features some of Australia’s top-achieving agents, principals and property managers.

Titled “What you need to know as a woman in real estate”, Sonya Treloar, Hayley Van de Ven, Kate Lumby, Ashleigh Goodchild, Betty Ockerlander, Julie Ormston and Tameka Smith are among the high-profile individuals featured in the video, which was first released on Homely’s Instagram account.

Highlighting Homely’s pride in supporting women in the industry “today and always”, Ms Kramer has urged the industry “to continue to remind each other that change is welcome here, and that together, we can break the bias”.

Homely’s encouragement follows the Real Estate Institute of Australia’s commitment to “breaking the bias” – with president Hayden Groves noting women as “essential to real estate, as property managers, operational support, marketers, businesses developers, auctioneers, agents and more”.

He argued, “it is time that we recognise the achievements, excellence and contribution of women in our industry”.

In addition, Mr Groves has flagged equality as a key social and economic driver for all real estate businesses.

“If we encourage just an extra 6 per cent of women in the workforce, we could add up to $25 billion to Australia’s economy.

“The productivity gains for Australian real estate are potentially enormous on both the workforce and client side,” he considered.  

“REIA is committed to an Australian real estate workforce that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.



Grace Ormsby

Grace Ormsby

Grace is a journalist across Momentum property and investment brands. Grace joined Momentum Media in 2018, bringing with her a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) from the University of Newcastle. She’s passionate about delivering easy to digest information and content relevant to her key audiences and stakeholders.

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