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First female chair elected at HTW

By Grace Ormsby
25 September 2023 | 7 minute read
sheena wilson HTW reb ffaika

The national valuation and advisory firm has revealed a new chair will helm its board.

Melbourne-based Sheena Wilson will be taking on the role for Herron Todd White (HTW) following the board’s election to fill the position at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM), and shares she is “honoured to have been elected”.

“I’m looking forward to helping steer HTW through what will be a dynamic and exciting time for this prestigious company,” she said.


Ms Wilson had first been elected to the board as an independent non-executive director, before becoming deputy chair back in 2015, as flagged by HTW CEO Gary Brinkworth.

He said the group is delighted to have Ms Wilson at the helm, commenting: “We are very proud.”

“Sheena is highly respected across the group and brings strong multidisciplinary commercial acumen, deep client, people and culture expertise, and a valued governance mindset,” he stated.

Alongside her deputy chair responsibilities, HTW flagged Ms Wilson’s work in chairing the People Performance Nominations & Governance Committee as well as her work as an independent non-executive director and chair of Women on Boards Australia, her capacity as director and co-founder of Parents on Leave Pty Ltd, and her work as an executive leadership consultant and coach both nationally and internationally.

She’s also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors as well as the UK Institute of Directors.

Ms Wilson fills the role vacated by previous chair Jeff Forbes, who stood down following nine years as an independent non-executive director, eight of which were spent chairing the board.

Mr Brinkworth acknowledged: “Jeff saw the organisation through a period of extraordinary challenge, change and growth.”

“Jeff’s financial acumen, wealth of knowledge and dynamic management style helped us to thrive over the past nine years. We thank Jeff enormously for his dedication and contributions to HTW,” he said.

New blood fills deputy chair

Ms Wilson will be supported by incoming deputy chair Andrew Wellington, who some may know for his work as the chair of the Brisbane Lions Football Club since 2017.

Mr Wellington was elected as an independent non-executive director at the AGM. He was also appointed as deputy chair of the board, and chair of the finance, audit and risk management committee.

HTW stated that the Brisbane-based director is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), as well as a senior fellow of FINSIA (Financial Services Institute of Australasia). He also served as chair of FINSIA Queensland’s Regional Council from 2007 to 2011.

Mr Wellington, too, is looking forward to stepping into the role, explaining that “having specialised in business valuations for much of my career, being nominated by HTW to join the board was appealing”.

“To be part of the world-class team at Herron Todd White, helping them to continue to diversify and grow Australia’s leading independent property valuation firm, is a wonderful opportunity. But it is the very clear commitment to people and culture that is the foundation for our success moving forward,” he concluded.


Grace Ormsby

Grace Ormsby

Grace is a journalist across Momentum property and investment brands. Grace joined Momentum Media in 2018, bringing with her a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) from the University of Newcastle. She’s passionate about delivering easy to digest information and content relevant to her key audiences and stakeholders.

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