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Home of the REB Top 100 Agents

Want a strong team? Grow in quality, not quantity

By Orana Durney-Benson
20 May 2024 | 6 minute read
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Too many real estate agents work in toxic offices, but an obsession with results can sabotage growth.

Perth-based director Nikki de Rijcke had experienced her fair share of dodgy workplaces. When she took over JW Residential in 2023, she was determined to do things differently.

“I’ve been in really toxic offices where agents just want to be there for themselves,” recalled de Rijcke on a recent episode of REB’s Secrets of the Top 100 Agents.


“I feel like a lot of business owners, especially in real estate, just put their agents behind the desk and say, ‘Good luck, find a lead’.”

In her own experience, she has found that agents perform best when they feel at ease.

“One thing I learnt in my years in real estate [is to] feel comfortable. That’s where you actually shine more than anything,” de Rijcke said.

One of her agents has a passion for cold calling, and she allows them to take charge in that area. For another agent, cold calling might make them break out into a cold sweat – in which case, de Rijcke doesn’t force the issue.

“I’m not a micromanager,” de Rijcke said. “I’m not telling them what to do.”

“It’s just good to see them grow and be happy, and I think that’s the main thing: just doing what they love in the way they want to do it.”

It’s an approach that has managed to secure de Rijcke and her team a strong foothold in a highly competitive market.

In 2023, de Rijcke was ranked number eight in the REB Dealmaker’s ranking despite a “crazy” local market.

“All around Western Australia, we find there’s not enough stock on the market. People are fighting for properties, and we find it very sad how many people are losing out on properties every single day.”

“It’s the same scenario pretty much everywhere: no stock, a lot of buyers, and just a lot of competition, late nights, writing offers, lots of enquiries per property. It’s a little bit of madness.”

In her first month as director, de Rijcke sold 28 properties. Even in the slower months, she usually sells 15 to 20 homes.

“I’ve always been setting it up for myself that I have enough leads coming in,” she said. “I’ve got amazing referral partners trying to set up those raving fans that recommend you to all their friends and family.”

Going forward, de Rijcke plans to continue prioritising a strong team culture over unsustainable growth.

“I would always love to stay in a boutique company. I love the team I’ve got and how we’re such a close family, really looking after each other,” she said.

“I feel like my agents are my responsibility and I want to help them grow to where they want to be.”

Listen to the full conversation with Nikki de Rijcke here.

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