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Don’t overlook the power of profile

By Orana Durney-Benson
08 July 2024 | 6 minute read
gavin rubinstein AREC 2024 reb wqlsns

With 25,000 real estate agents working in Australia, finding your edge is essential to stand out from the crowd.

Sydney agent Gavin Rubinstein has one core message to real estate agents across the country: build a strong profile.

“Profile is a business plan,” Rubinstein said at the recent AREC 2024 conference. “Profile is your single most important tool to stand out.”


One of the eastern suburbs’ most visible real estate practitioners, Rubinstein has cracked the code to success over his 14-year property career.

In his opinion, many agents get the formula to success back-to-front.

“Calls equals listings, equals sales, equals profile. Most people get it wrong because they do this backwards – they start at the profile.”

“I have always loved the process and I’ve always understood the more calls I made, the more listings I got, the more sales I had, the profile took care of itself,” he said.

In the early days of his career, Rubinstein used clear, measurable daily goals to build his client network.

No matter what was thrown at him, Rubinstein stated he “made 30 connections a day, Monday to Friday, to people who own property in the market where I was selling”.

“That meant 150 new business opportunities each week. I knew if I stuck to that, over time it would compound – and it did.”

Consistently making calls helped Rubinstein secure listings. The next step was to make sure everyone knew about the sales he was making.

“Once I got the sales, I amplified my results,” he said. “I told everyone about it.”

“If I didn’t get you on Facebook, I’d get you when you were driving on my signboards. If I didn’t get you on the newspaper when you were reading, I’d get you in the mailbox.”

“Whether you liked me or not, you simply could not get away from my results.”

Today, the platforms people use to communicate may have changed but Rubinstein’s approach remains the same. To make sure his profile doesn’t get lost, the agent consistently releases three Instagram posts per day.

“You’ve got to find your edge so you can stand out. That’s absolutely key,” he said. “You need to go from being the prospector to becoming the prospected.”

“Find your edge, keep it sharp, and your life will change,” he concluded.

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