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Is a certain ‘syndrome’ holding you back?

By Manos Findikakis
11 September 2024 | 12 minute read
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There’s a syndrome I’ve observed in real estate, and it’s a lot more common than many would think.

In fact, there’s a good chance most of us have it to a certain extent. But the reality is this phenomenon has the potential to hold us back. What am I talking about? Well, it’s shiny object syndrome, or SOS.

In an industry packed full of tech innovation, big promises and fresh developments, it can be a challenge to avoid.


What is SOS?

Shiny object syndrome is that tendency to get distracted by that latest, greatest tool or technological development that promises to be the magic bullet of success.

It might be a snazzy piece of software, a fresh prospecting technique, or some other advancement which is touted as THE innovation which will propel our careers to the next level.

In real estate, we are inundated with the noise of bright, shiny new objects each and every day.

But while these tools and innovations might assist our career, they will never replace the activities and hard work that are the foundations of success.

The trouble with SOS

If you find yourself asking what’s the latest, greatest thing that will help me win business, capture leads and propel my real estate career forward, then chances are you’re suffering a case of shiny object syndrome.

But here’s the thing: people sometimes get so bogged down trying to find or use that next shiny toy that they overlook or avoid doing the things that they know actually work.

Effective isn’t sexy

The reality is the things that work aren’t necessarily glamourous. They’re not that sexy, and they’re not so exciting.

They are mundane everyday activities like:

  • Picking up the phone
  • Direct mail
  • Email and SMS
  • Social media
  • Doorknocking
  • Networking

They are the routine activities that we need to do relentlessly to build momentum and create success.

In contrast, bright, shiny new objects feel a little bit exciting. They’re different, new, and that makes them enticing.

But that bright, shiny toy is not going to help you win business.

It might help you enhance it, or save you some time, but it cannot replace doing the grunt work that actually reaps results.

Shiny distractions

Sometimes, we spend so much time seeking out that next bright, shiny object, or working out how that new shiny object works that we get lost in the noise of shiny object syndrome.

We get distracted, waylaid, and sidetracked by the promise of a magic bullet. So now for the reality check, there is no magic bullet.

Shiny objects by themselves will never, I repeat NEVER, result in the same level of success that is achieved through solid foundations, good habits and regular, consistent activity.

It’s about solid foundations

If you’re looking to restart, re-energise, or simply step up your real estate career, it’s time to get refocused on building or shoring up the solid foundations which underpin success.

It’s about eliminating the distractions, including shiny object syndrome, and getting back to basics.

And that includes:

  • Knowing what you want to achieve.
  • Setting realistic goals.
  • Creating good habits.
  • Undertaking consistent activity.
  • Holding yourself accountable.

This is something we cover each year at the Agents’Agency as part of our Personal Best program where every participant re-examines why they are in this game and exactly what they want to achieve over the 12 months ahead.

It’s not about shiny objects, but the proven motivators, activities and habits that create career success.

It’s about knowing your why, knowing your what, and then making the activities that allow you to reach your goals into actual habits that you undertake each and every day.

And no, some of it isn’t shiny or sexy. But it will lead you to the shiny career success that you actually want.

The only caveat, you will need to do the work.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency.

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