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It’s time to double down

By Manos Findikakis
18 September 2024 | 12 minute read
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Warmer weather, longer days, and the promise of the summer holidays to come yes it’s officially spring. In real estate that means one thing … the for sale signs are out, listing volumes are on the up, and sales numbers are set to rise.

If real estate was the performing arts, this would be our opening night. If it were a sport, this would be the grand final. In other words, it’s show time!

Just like finals week, we need to double down. Now is the time to convert all our training and the hard work that it’s taken us to get to this point into the big wins we’ve dreamed of.


You didn’t come this far … to only come this far

Right about now, we’re invested. We’ve spent months leading up to this point putting in the hard yards, working our contact lists, liaising with potential buyers and sellers, building our profile, and readying for this moment.

We’ve carefully considered each sales campaign, openly communicated with our vendors, and analysed every element of the current local real estate market.

We’ve prospected, trained, honed our skill set, created good habits, and employed discipline.

But we didn’t come this far to only come this far.

Now we need to double down

Yes we’ve worked hard to get to the point we’re at, but now is not the time for pats on backs or to take the foot off the accelerator.

Nope, now is the time to up the ante. We need to focus, put the pedal to the metal, and double down on all the work we’ve done to get us here because we've committed too much to stop.

Now, and over the coming weeks, every call, every appointment, every connection matters. It matters more right than at any other time of the year.

Real estate is on the radar

You might be asking why? What’s the difference? Sure, spring is busier but why is it more important in terms of our work ethic and practice?

The answer’s simple. It’s about real estate mode. Right about now, more people are tuned into the real estate market.

Those who have even the slightest inclination of buying or selling in the coming months or year will have their radar hyper focused on anything and everything real estate.

That means that more people, including your prospective clients, will take more notice of every:

  • For Sale board
  • Sold sticker
  • Direct mail flyer
  • Phone call
  • Social media post
  • Billboard
  • Pointer-board
  • Open for inspection
  • Pretty much anyone dressed in a suit on Saturday as it’s a dead giveaway they are a real estate agent.

Meanwhile, they’ll be perusing the portals, clocking the listings that pop up in their social feed, and pouring over the real estate lift-outs of their Saturday paper.

In the process, they’ll be inadvertently or overtly assessing the agents in their area, gauging their personality and performance, and considering whether they might be the right person to assist when it comes time to sell.

It’s your moment

Often we think of spring as prime selling season. Indeed it is. This is the time of year when transactions ramp up a notch.

But it’s showtime as well. This is the moment when you are being noticed, seen and assessed. It’s your time in the limelight where the spotlight is firmly on real estate and what you deliver.

Over the coming weeks I urge you to seize this moment.

Doubling down right now will naturally pay more dividends, return better results, and will determine how strong you finish the year. It will also set you up for the year ahead in terms of trust, results, recognition and renown.

Do more, work with urgency, work with enthusiasm. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Double down, seize the moment, and you can rest assured of the results to come.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency.

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