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Real estate agent’s ad slogan deemed ‘offensive’

By Staff Reporter
15 December 2009 | 5 minute read

One agent has come under attack from Australia’s jewish community for using her last name to promote her properties.

Maroochydore agent Glennis Schindler, whose family owns the firm Vic Murphy Real Estate, has used the title ‘Schindler’s List’ for the past five years in order to showcase her listings in the local property publications.

According to an article in The Brisbane Times, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry said the use of the term Schindler’s List trivialised the holocaust.


The title is also the name of an Academy award winning film about a businessman who saved thousands of jews from Hilter’s concentration camps.

The Council’s executive director Peter Wertheim said while he doubted Ms Schindler meant to be offensive in her advertisement, some parts of the jewish community had been offended.

"The Nazi program of planned and systematic genocide was a unique evil in human history. It's not a good look for anyone to try to exploit any aspect of such a tragedy for commercial purposes."

Ms Schindler, who has only had three people object to her advertisement since she started using it six years ago, said she would cease using the slogan if people took offence.

"In my mind, it's just a play of words. I don't want to ever offend anyone," she said.

"I guess I do have to take it on board if I am upsetting anyone because I'd hate to offend anyone.

"I've done it for a long time. The reaction has been more positive than negative to be honest. They're just looking at it light-hearted. That's been the majority of the reaction because if it hadn't of been I wouldn't be doing it."

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