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Real estate agents give back to the community

By Staff Reporter
02 March 2012 | 6 minute read

Stacey Moseley

The benefit of running a charity event, goes far beyond any business gain, two leading principals have claimed.

John Shore, director of Ray White Chelsea in Melbourne, who is the brains behind the ‘Melbourne Op Shop Ball’, an event that raises money for Variety (the children’s charity and Children’s Nutrition Research Centre), said he uses his industry contacts and skills as an auctioneer to create successful charity events.


As it turns out though, Variety is not the only beneficiary.

“Good things happen when you do something for nothing,” he said. “My ball is actually nowhere near my office, so the possibility of leads or meeting clients isn’t really there. My aim for the ball is for it to become a part of the Melbourne charity scene, something I can hang my hat on when I am put in the ground.

“Having said that, while you shouldn’t do it for business reasons, you will get business from simply being out there in the community.

“If you are up in front of 200 people at a charity auction at a kindy, then you will get people that recognise and remember you.”

It is imperative for agents to get involved in their local community charities in any way they can, Mr Shore said.

Similarly, the YPA Network recently held its Annual Sales Awards and Presentation Dinner at the Crown Casino complex in Melbourne, with some 200 guests attending.

The Network’s annual auction raises funds for a selected charity. This year, the selected benefactor was the Royal Victorian Children’s Hospital Cardiac Ward.

The auction gained momentum as a bidding war started. In no more than 15 minutes of talking and bidding the tally hit a massive $30,150.

“At YPA, we consider social responsibility an integral part of our operation. On a daily basis we ask the public to work with us in the sale and purchase of their properties,” a spokesperson for the network said.

“It is only fair we give back to the community via events such as this Charity Auction. YPA also supports numerous other charities, community and local sporting events during the course of the year.”

According to Dean Mackie, principal of McGrath Neutral Bay/Mosman/Northbridge – 2011 winners of the Franchise Council of Australia’s national community service award – charity work is of paramount importance to the company.

“It is not just making a difference to the foundations, charities and the communities that benefit from our involvement, it is also to make a difference with our team,” he said.

“I am committed to providing opportunities to our team to challenge themselves and support them in our own community activities.

“To this end, our team is given an additional two paid annual leave days per year to volunteer with a charity of their choice.”

The Melbourne Op Shop Ball is to be held at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne on March 31. If you would like more information on the ball please CLICK HERE>>

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