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Competitors sharing tips on Facebook

By Stacey Moseley
17 October 2012 | 6 minute read

A new real estate Facebook group breaks down barriers between agents that are set up by different brands and farming areas, the group's administrators said.

According to The Real Estate Community founders Zac McHardy, Edgar Natolo and Simon Finalayson, the page offers agents a place to discuss sales, marketing and management techniques in an open and positive environment.

“Before our Facebook page there was nowhere for real estate agents to ask questions or bounce ideas off each other” Mr McHardy told Real Estate Business.


“We all mainly just had our peers in the office.

“It seemed like brands, colours and areas had created a divide so we wanted that divide broken.”

With over 2,000 members just eight months after its inception, the organisers are shocked with the success of the page.

“Our goals have been massively surpassed,” he said.

“The quality of the members in the group is amazing and the people we have in there are some of the most respected people in real estate.”

Members include industry personalities, head of groups and trainers like Peter Hanscomb, Sadhana Smiles, Glen Twiddle, Jet Xavier, Geoff Baldwin, Greg Vincent, Lisa Tremolada, Josh Phegan and Tom Panos.

The idea of competitors sharing ideas via social media isn't new, with RE/MAX WA regional owner, Geoff Baldwin, highlighting the trend earlier this year.

“Although not obvious to the community at large, there are numerous groups consisting of thousands of agents who are improving their skills and knowledge through conversations particularly on Facebook,” he said in May.

“It is not unusual for a group member to post a particular challenge he or she is currently facing with the marketing or sale of a property and for even close competitors to discuss and contribute to likely solutions."

Among the most 'clicked' items of discussion on the The Real Estate Community forum page are prospecting, use of video, latest regulations and the growing trend of how to use social media in real estate.

According to the organisers they endeavor to grow the group internationally and increase its membership to 4,000 by the middle of next year.

“We are more focused on quality over quantity,” Mr McHardy said.

“We see that most people in the group give good information and feedback and we want it to keep growing like that.

“We don't want to just have the largest group but no real engagement.”

The group is open to anybody in the real estate industry. If you would like to get involved with the discussion visit The Real Estate Community.

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