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Agents operating in teams more successful

By Staff Reporter
23 May 2013 | 6 minute read

Real estate is often seen to be an industry dominated by individuals. But it is only by working together that they shine, according to industry expert Florence Caruette.

“Real estate is full of motivated individuals, but it is great teams that deliver the best results,” Ms Caruette told delegates at the recent First National Real Estate Annual Convention on Hamilton Island. 

“Real estate businesses are usually started by strong individuals, but it is their ability to build and maintain a successful culture that will help them survive and prosper.”


Florence Caruette, director of Property Smarts Consulting, combines over 20 years’ experience in human resources and business consulting, both in Australia and overseas, with an impressive list of qualifications.

Ms Caruette was speaking to First National Real Estate agents from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.

“Developing and maintaining a healthy culture is about attracting the right staff to your office, managing them and most importantly, retaining them,” she said.

“It is fundamental for the boss to work on the business as well as in the business. Too often they remain in the comfort zone of selling rather than dedicating time to managing the people to maintain a strong healthy culture.”

According to Ms Caruette, it is important to look at how this affects not just the sales or the property management department, but at the inter-department, office and company level.

Ms Caruette urged real estate professionals to look at the bigger picture. She said, “We need to look at five things that can make the office and the world a better place:
•    A positive attitude and daily dose of gratitude
•    How to truly listen and see from the other’s perspective, and not just the client
•    The law of giving and receiving (they go together, don’t stop the flow!)
•    Action effectiveness: the danger of procrastination and the power of saying ‘no’
•    A healthy mind in a healthy body

"All these things are needed to create an environment that makes your company a great place to work, as well as securing and maintaining customers. Happy staff, happy clients,” she added.

First National Real Estate chief executive Ray Ellis agreed. “One of the major reasons we have been so successful as a network is because we recognise the importance of culture,” he said.

“The reason we go to all the effort of getting members together from across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, is so everyone can see the benefits that being part of a team bring.

“Everyone’s business is different depending on their location, their personalities and their market, but there are lots of things that are the same, and having a great team culture of sharing is what led the members to create this network 31 years ago.”

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