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Coach claims to double agent's income in 4 months

By Stacey Moseley
07 August 2013 | 6 minute read

One of Australia’s top real estate coaches has put his reputation on the line, promising to alter the selling powers of one lucky attendant at the upcoming REAL 2013 conference.

Partnering with Real Estate Business, Peter Gilchrist has agreed to give away four months of his time to one ticket holder at REAL 2013, with the proviso that they do exactly what he tells them.

“You look at all the top performing agents and what do they all have in common? They all have coaches,” he told Real Estate Business.


“Coaches and events like REAL 2013 are so important to a successful agent. Agents in general get stuck in their own heads. I don’t know why some agents choose to muck around by themselves and try to work it all out alone when you can learn from someone who has done it all before.

“Listen to the wisdom of the movers and shakers.”

Mr Gilchrist works with a number of Real Estate Business’ Top 100 Agents, including third placed Wayne Vaughan from McGrath Epping and 47th ranked agent Jay Standley from Barr & Standley Real Estate.

“The best guys want to be coached and want to work hard. That is why I will work with an agent who attends the conference. But the disclaimer is you have to want to be there and do the work  if you are not committed, no one can help you,” he said.

Real Estate Business will follow the journey of the winner for the three months they work with Mr Gilchrist. To go into the running to win four months with Mr Gilchrist, you must be a ticket holder of REAL 2013.

Mr Gilchrist will discuss the art of implementation at the upcoming event on the Gold Coast.

According to event organiser Peter Ford, REAL 2013 is all about providing achievable content for all participants.

“We get real people sharing their secrets to success,” he told Real Estate Business.

“It is an event that offers real take-home value and the opportunity for agents to rub shoulders with ordinary people who are going through exactly what they are.”

For more information about the event, CLICK HERE.

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