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Human billboards sell houses in China

By Staff Reporter
16 August 2013 | 5 minute read

Staff Reporter

Human billboards are the latest real estate marketing ploy being used to advertise properties in China.

At a recent housing fair at Century Square in Jilin city, exhibitors took the unusual step of using models who have had their bodies painted with floor plans to attract customers. 


Exhibitors have also wooed customers with scantily clad models wearing flowers and by having models give away bars of gold.

China has one of the highest rates of home ownership in the world, with the traditional view that the house you live in ought to be your own.

With the Chinese middle class investing so much in property, the government has recently had to enforce a one apartment rule

China is building new cities at an estimated rate of up to 12 to 24 per year. But while massive apartment buildings are being rapidly built, many are empty.

Recent reports have revealed that dozens of new cities in China are sitting empty, with apartments snapped up as investments by the nation’s wealthy, then sitting empty as the owners fail to find tenants who can meet the rent.

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