Beyond the latest designer website, past the shiny DL cards, far away from the perfectly designed brochures, away from the beautiful window display is one very important marketing tool that is often forgotten and overlooked - yet it is the easiest to manage, the lowest cost, and the most effective tool.
Have you guessed it yet?
It’s YOU.
You are the most powerful marketing tool you have at your disposal right now. The way you speak to people, the way you present yourself, the way you appear in the marketplace, can be 10 times as effective as a marketing tool compared to some of the latest and innovative ideas in the industry.
It’s been very interesting for me being on the other side of the property management transaction recently as a prospective tenant looking for a rental property in my local area. I’ve been able to review how fast enquiries are responded to, the conduct of the leasing consultant at the open, the manner of the property manager processing the applications, right through to the sign-up process and moving in. There have been some very impressive dealings, and also some left a lot to be desired. I’m pleased to say I’m lucky enough I’ve ended up with one of the best.
I would imagine that many of these agencies with the less than desirable service to prospective tenants are at the same time probably trying to grow their businesses through marketing, prospecting and new business tactics, without looking at what is actually happening on the front line. From this experience I know which agencies I will be recommending to friends and family and which agencies I won’t.
We need to remember that prospective tenants may not only one day be our future clients, but they also currently know our future clients (their friends, families, colleagues, circles), and of course we want them to be speaking positively about us and our service across their networks!
This got me thinking that if we only realised that the best opportunity we have to market our service is actually how we conduct our service and ourselves, how much easier it would be to grow our businesses! Instead of spending thousands on marketing campaigns, what if we spent that time and money investing in improving, training and developing our own skills.
Remembering that YOU are the most important marketing tool you have at your disposal and the way you conduct yourself, present yourself, and treat your clients will ultimately provide endless positive marketing, referrals and business for years to come.
About Hermione
Hermione has been part of the real estate industry for over 10 years. From property management to corporate leasing, new business and team management, she has successfully managed a broad range of clientele and delivered winning new business growth strategies.
Excelling in areas of team training, leasing product development and implementation of new software, her invaluable skills have led her to Real+ where she is passionate about assisting clients to achieve their maximum potential through the online learning experience, Real Plus.
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