In just over two years in business, Elevate has not had to go to the Tribunal for any tenancy matters – quite a feat. Unfortunately, this streak had to end.
Elevate Property Group deals with the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT).
The matter was settled amicably and all parties didn’t even have to face the magistrate, as it was negotiated with a tenant advocate – who was, in fact, very helpful to both parties in this instance as our evidence was quality.
Upon review of this tribunal matter, it exemplifies to us the need to communicate with all landlords and agents and to have quality procedures in place. This means correctly filled-out forms and paperwork, photography and video inventory of the status of a property – and good communication skills!
This is in addition to a detailed condition report upon commencement of the lease and requesting that tenants return them on a timely basis. We always encourage them to return these ASAP and to do them before they move into the property, as it saves them and us headaches if there are any points of contention at the end of a lease.
It is always a useful reference tool and can be used to define any deficiencies. Marking each and every room, each and every piece of furniture can be tiresome and may seem tedious, but through experience and learning the hard way, it is always the best method – prevention is better than cure.
Elevate has started to give tenants a copy upon entry of their lease: a USB stick with hundreds of photographs and video of the property before they move in – this saves both parties time in any disputes down the track.
“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” should be the mantra of all good property managers. Or, as Abe Lincoln said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Daniel Bligh
Daniel serves as the managing director at elevate property group and is located in Sydney, Australia. elevate specialises in property management and service.
Prior to joining elevate, Daniel served in both property management and sales at BradfieldCleary Real Estate in Double Bay.
Before real estate, Daniel worked in executive sales at Fairfax Media selling those annoying pop up ads online across their various websites!
At the moment, Daniel is a tenant, a Landlord and a licenced real estate agent.
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