A prominent commentator has urged property managers to remind self-managing landlords about the risks they face without professional management.
Geoff Baldwin, chairman for the Certified Practising Real Estate Agent (CPREA) association, said an increasing number of landlords are enlisting the service of property managers following bad experiences with difficult tenants.
“Our member agents are reporting many instances where they are inheriting properties with requests from the owners to evict tenants or to chase up unpaid rent,” he said.
“Privately managed properties are targeted by bad tenants because they know the landlord does not have access to the checks and balances available to a professional property manager.”
Mr Baldwin reminded property managers that having access to national defaulting tenant databases gives them a key advantage over private landlords.
“It is not unusual for an immaculately presented applicant who looks to be a perfect tenant to owe thousands of dollars in rent or to have damaged a property in another state,” he said.
“Many of these people are serial defaulters and once they are in a property it is difficult to move them without loss and aggravation.”
Mr Baldwin said property managers give landlords a firm but friendly barrier between landlords and tenants.
“It must be said that the grater majority of tenants are wonderful people who look after their rental property and pay their rent on time every time, however there do exist a percentage of bad tenants and landlords are well advised to seek professional management to minimise the risks,” he said.
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