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10 recruitment trends for 2018

By Tim Neary
01 December 2017 | 12 minute read
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Recruitment fuelled by data science and digital technology, VR that enhances a jobseeker’s profile and upskilling as a benefit are three of the top recruitment trends to watch out for in 2018, says recruiting experts Hays.

The managing director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand, Nick Deligiannis, said that technology is changing historic norms in recruitment.

“From using data science analytics to help identify the most suitable person to the virtualisation of the screening process and the growing demand for high-skilled professionals in response to digitalisation technologies,” Mr Deligiannis said, “these changes present opportunities for adaptable and innovative employers and jobseekers to stand out and secure top talent or their next job.”


Here are Hays’ top trends for 2018:

1. Recruitment remodelled to ‘find and engage’

In 2018, a new model of recruitment will emerge, fuelled by technology, the dynamics of the digital world, data science and artificial intelligence. The historic and conventional Advertise & Apply model will be superseded by a Find & Engage approach.

The “find” element of the equation involves using digital technology and data science analytics to reach deep into candidate pools and examine large amounts of data to prepare shortlists of the most suitable people, extrapolate meaningful patterns and gauge how open to new job opportunities a potential candidate is.

The “engage” element puts the relationship back at the heart of recruitment to understand a candidate’s personal priorities and aspirations for a successful outcome. It’s a game-changing transformation for employers and external agencies alike.

2. AI candidate screening

Automated and machine-learning algorithms will be used to screen CVs and communicate with candidates. While this is a complex AI challenge, in 2018, organisations will work on “training” ontology to convert the semi-structured data of CVs and job descriptions into a consistent format for processing, which, once implemented, will significantly accelerate the shortlisting process.

3. Virtual reality (VR) to enhance a jobseeker’s profile

While some organisations provide VR tours that give jobseekers an indication of the workplace and culture, jobseekers too could start to embrace the technology to showcase skills and competencies to enhance their online profiles.

4. Augmented reality (AR)

As AR becomes more mainstream, organisations will experiment with interactive candidate experiences. For example, AR could allow a candidate to walk through the workplace, participate in a mock client meeting or another relevant activity, and sit with an employee who talks about their typical day.

5. Jobseekers enhance brand with video

Expect jobseekers to embed video content in their LinkedIn profile to supplement their personal brand. This will offer hiring managers and recruiters a deeper insight into their expertise and potential cultural fit.

6. Automation to fuel temp jobs

Automation and technological advances will eliminate some jobs but also create new ones. In 2018, this will be most obvious in the creation of highly skilled temporary and contract roles, which will require people with particular knowledge and expertise surrounding non-repetitive tasks, particularly when applied to planning, interacting with others or making decisions.

7. Upskilling a key benefit

Given the current rate of technological change, knowledge and skills have a shorter use-by date. The top talent, therefore, look for roles offering upskilling and development, whether that’s through extra responsibilities, working on projects outside their original scope, mentoring or time to attend conferences or webinars.

For employers, this can be a key benefit that will differentiate you from other organisations in 2018.

8. Low-skilled in less demand, high-skilled in greater demand

As digitalisation technologies (artificial intelligence, big data, online platforms and computers that communicate with each other) grow in prevalence in workplaces, low-skilled jobs will become less common while the number of highly skilled jobs that involve non-routine duties will grow.

9. Finance technology professionals needed

The banking and securities sector in Australia will spend AU$15.1 billion on technology products and services in 2018, according to research from Gartner. This will fuel demand for finance technology experts who can drive a bank’s technology agenda.

10. Diversity an ongoing priority

Diversity will remain a key driver of HR policies as organisations strive to broaden their appeal, address skill shortages and improve productivity through a diverse workforce. As well as gender, expect to see more focus on cultural background, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and disability diversity.

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