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Elite status in record time

By Manos Findikakis
13 August 2021 | 7 minute read
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I love working with new starts. I love the apprehension; the nervous energy; the enthusiasm to learn; the raw determination to make things happen. What I love most, however, is seeing those agents go from being “rookies” to “elite status” in record time.

Rookies have an infectious attitude. It’s that “rookie” mindset that takes you back to when you first started and re-living the excitement of your very first deal. Your first listing, your first sale. It’s a key characteristic of those that wish to continually grow both personally and professionally. It’s a mindset and attitude that separates the seasoned professional who keeps breaking personal bests to the “know it all” who is constantly stuck.

At its heart, the rookie mindset is an energy state. It’s when the new kid on the block aspires to become, and as an example in our industry, the next “million dollar” agent. Not making any judgement or taking anything away from those that may not wish to (and, in most cases, believe they can) reach such lofty heights, but simply put as a measure of success or target. It’s the excitement and “fist pump” in the air and controlled yell on securing a listing or sale that never leaves those with ambitious aspirations.


Such goals and aspirations are the catalyst that set the foundations for a stellar start in real estate, whether your start is in sales, property management or taking the leap into business ownership. Maintaining a “rookie mindset” throughout your career and at all stages works.

The following are the key implementations of newcomers that are propelling their careers to elite status in record time:

They learn the rules of the game
By learning the rules of the game, they learn to find and anticipate opportunities. The “what comes next” and “what should I say” become automatic. Once they master the game, they work hard to play better than anyone else.

A mindset of perpetual learning
The time to leave this industry is when you think you know it all. It’s the most dangerous of mindsets. If there is one thing that has remained constant and that will remain constant is that of change. The fundamentals may stay the same; however, how we do what we do will continually change, and for that matter, dramatically in the near future. We must continually sharpen the saw.

They work with a mentor
The transference of knowledge from an experienced agent to a newcomer is not as easy as most think. Often the “gap” between what we know and how we got there is more detailed and verbalising it is difficult. Working with an in-the-field mentor or being surrounded by a team or network fast-tracks learning and, more importantly, results. The access to high achievers who are willing to share has never been more important and relevant. Hence why we are seeing many agents reaching the million-dollar status in record timeframes when being part of a mentor group.

They invest in brand you
There is no secret or denying the fact that today’s real estate professionals must become their own “brand”. It’s not to say they need to start their own business with logo, colour and office, but they must get their personal brand, and promote their “name” in the community. If you are working in an environment that does not promote “brand you”, look at making a change. I know it’s a bold statement, but if you want to make a mark in this industry, you cannot do it in the shadow of a brand.

Rookies and newcomers to our industry have never had more access to tools that can fast-track and propel their careers in record time. Established and seasoned professionals have never had more opportunity to leverage their past successes to win even more business.

As we rapidly approach the spring selling season, as the country navigates the continued uncertainty and changing trading conditions with imposed lockdowns, we will see individuals who will make not only the best of a difficult period, but will also come out the other end thriving. Make sure you are one of them.

Wishing you every success in your real estate career.

Manos Findikakis is CEO and co-founder of the Eview Group.

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