We’ve all heard the sage advice that real estate is “a long game”. It’s a career that’s forged over time with discipline and consistency.
While it’s true that a great real estate career doesn’t happen overnight, the concept of the long game can be a bit of a challenge. It can make it feel like success is some far-off place that’s always just over the horizon.
And I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those people who is impatient. I like to get results pretty much instantly.
So when I think of the long game, I like to think of the micro wins that lead to macro results, and they can happen each and every day.
Not sure what I mean? Well let’s look at the long game of real estate from a here and now perspective.
‘Instant’ happens over time
Playing the long game of real estate is not about patiently waiting for the stars to align and all those little ducks to shuffle neatly into a row at some unspecified time in the future.
Instead, winning the game involves focusing on a series of micro wins now which accumulate to become an avalanche of wins down the track.
It’s a momentum shift and an understanding that nothing happens in isolation. It’s an appreciation that “instant” happens over a period of time.
It’s also the acknowledgement that you are in this game right here and now, with the small, daily actions you undertake today all adding up to create a cumulative impact in the future.
It’s the little things
As they say, it takes 10 years or even more to become an overnight success. And when it comes to the long game, it’s all about small, but meaningful, daily activities.
It’s also about having the discipline not to skip one or two of these daily activities simply because you don’t feel like doing them.
Things like:
- follow-up call
- social post
- email blast
- prospecting call session
- magic 25 drop
- anniversary call
- “how’s your first weekend in your new home?” call
- weekly accountability buddy SMS
- role-play session
- “just a note to say” cards
- exercise routine
- diet routine
If you’re considering giving these activities the occasional miss, then think again as they’re critical to the long game.
And it’s not that it’s the “occasional“ miss that will affect your future results. It’s the accumulation of the “it’s ok to miss it this once“ actions that hold you back.
That’s the thinking that stunts your growth.
Some simple maths
When you skip the little things and make a habit of missing those “one per centers“, you can never reach 100 per cent. There’s always something missing and the sense you could have done more.
So, make the extra call. Send that extra handwritten thank you card. Take the extra action.
Think back to this time last year – doesn’t it feel like it was yesterday? What did you promise yourself you would do?
Is your future self thanking your past self for the results you are achieving today, or is there a sense of “I should have…“?
Today’s instant gratification is because of what we did yesterday, last week, last month, last year and beyond.
That is how the long game is played.
Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency.
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