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The final 10 per cent

Promoted by AgentsAgency
21 October 2024 | 4 minute read
Manos Findikakis ORIG 8 cg4k2g

It’s no secret that it’s those little extras that separate the good from the great in this industry.

Whether you’re in sales, property management or a leadership position, it’s the final 10 per cent that ensures you are memorable for all the right reasons and stand out from the crowd.

But this commitment to dotting the Is and crossing the Ts isn’t just restricted to your performance. It should be the mission of every single person in your team, including the agency, network, or franchise group you choose to work with.

So, what exactly constitutes the final 10 per cent, and how do you ensure you’re surrounded by people as committed to perfection as you are?

The little things

The final 10 per cent is all about the little things. It’s simple stuff, done exceptionally well. It’s calling when you say you will, having tough conversations when required, and being proactive about potential hurdles, obstacles or problems.

That last leg of the real estate race is about dotting every I and crossing every T, ensuring nothing is left to chance.

It’s following up and following through, using clear communication and professional skills that not only meet but often exceed people’s expectations.

The result of all these final 10 per cent activities is how you make your clients feel – because that’s the thing they remember.

This feeling? Well, it’s perhaps best described as safety.

Each of these simple things allows your clients to be confident they are in safe hands, where nothing is left to chance, every option has been explored, and the real estate professional they have selected is firmly in their corner.

They feel ‘safe’ that they have been listened to, that they are understood, that their needs are your priority, and that their welfare is paramount.

That ‘safety’ is the service we provide as real estate professionals, whether we are selling a home or managing an investment.

Fostering a final 10 per cent culture

The final 10 per cent isn’t just about one individual going above and beyond, it’s a culture that teams should share.

It’s also an ethos that should be supported by the network, platform, or agency you choose to align with.

When you have a final 10 per cent culture in your real estate business, you have a team that is truly committed to excellence.

It’s a group that is all pulling in the same direction, aspiring to greatness together.

So how do you foster that culture? Well often it starts from the top and again it comes down to safety.

It’s about creating a ‘safe’ environment where your team is empowered to learn, grow, and improve together in a space where it is safe to share ideas, seek support, ask questions, and identify things that could be done better.

It’s about group accountability that lifts people up and spurs them on to realise their full potential and create something truly wondrous together.

That ethos starts at the top, but it extends to every member you select for your team and every contractor or external business you opt to work with, along with the franchise, network, or platform that you select as your partner.

Great work. Great people

At the AgentsAgency, we pride ourselves on the final 10 per cent. We are all about the little things that lift our members to greatness. In fact, that ethos is built into our DNA and written large in our mantra ‘We do great work, with great people’.

We believe success is only achieved when we all pull in the same direction, providing support, mentoring, state-of-the-art training, and a suite of business tools and technology to help our members achieve their dreams.

Our final 10 per cent allows each of our members to achieve their best every single day. It empowers them to go above and beyond for their clients.

We do great work, with great people, and if the final 10 per cent is a space that gives you pride and ‘great’ is a vision you share, we’d love you to be part of our team.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency, Australia’s first multi-brand real estate network.

For all enquiries and more information on how the Agents’Agency can help you take your career to the next level, please visit https://www.agentsagency.com.au/ or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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