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Home of the REB Top 100 Agents

Billy Dounis

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 6

Billy understands the daily activities it takes to be successful in this industry, and focuses on marketing, personal branding and well-executed training. He helps agents map out their success by identifying their true goals, and he delivers this with one-on-one coaching and keeping his team accountable.

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Billy Dounis

The power of planning: 3 tips for a super-productive day

It's no secret that preparation is key to world-class performance. One thing that elite athletes and business people hav...Read More
Billy Dounis

3 critical questions you must ask every potential buyer

The questions we ask and the words we use have a profound impact on the way we make people feel. Read More
Billy Dounis

10 things I wish I knew before getting into real estate

From the outside, you would be forgiven for thinking the typical day for a real estate agent consists of little more tha...Read More
Billy Dounis

7 simple steps to grow your reputation and reach

The definition of a brand is a name, term or design that distinguishes one seller's offering from another. Read More
Billy Dounis

3 steps to overcome complacency

As real estate agents, it’s not uncommon or even difficult for us to become complacent in our professional lives. ...Read More
Billy Dounis

10 simple steps to becoming a better agent

Selling real estate can be a competitive and demanding job. Many agents sometimes wonder why their rivals seem so much m...Read More