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3 steps to overcome complacency

By Billy Dounis
08 May 2015 | 6 minute read
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As real estate agents, it’s not uncommon or even difficult for us to become complacent in our professional lives.

Indeed, I would confidently say complacency affects us all at some point in our careers.

However, I’ve come to learn that by taking the right actions – quickly – we can ensure we do not allow this false sense of contentment to affect our productivity and ultimately income negatively.


1. Revisit your goals

What do you want to achieve in this industry in the short, medium and long term? Perhaps you have achieved the goals you once strived for and have simply not reset them? Take a few hours in a quiet place where you can refocus your business energy and reassess the top five things you need to do on a daily basis that are in line with your objectives. The clearer your thoughts, the clearer your actions will be.

2. Fall back in love with your to-do list

It’s easy for our day-to-day tasks and activities to be filled with chaos. The problem with losing our structure is that it produces a backlog of work. If not tackled head on, this results in productivity chaos for days and even weeks, making it more and more difficult each day to move towards achieving your goals. So buy a notebook and start fresh. List all the tasks and projects you are currently working on and set yourself a time frame to complete them. Minimise the list by delegating what you can to your PA or support staff.
Note: buying an expensive notebook will give you a greater sense of ownership over what you write within its pages.

3. Just do it

There are excuses and there are results. Successful people have the ability to simply get on with the job and ruthlessly eliminate all things hindering them from achieving their business goals. Go back to basics and focus on the three key activities by which we as real estate professionals measure our success and do it on a daily basis without excuses.

Prospect, list, sell!


Billy Dounis

Billy Dounis

Billy understands the daily activities it takes to be successful in this industry, and focuses on marketing, personal branding and well-executed training. He helps agents map out their success by identifying their true goals, and he delivers this with one-on-one coaching and keeping his team accountable.

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