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AUTHOR | No. of articles: 54

Business Manager - Real+ Hermione has been part of the real estate industry for over 10 years. From Property Management to Corporate Leasing, New Business and Team Management. She has successfully managed a broad range of clientele, and delivered winning new business growth strategies.Excelling in areas of team training, leasing product development and implementation of new software, her invaluable skills have led her to Real+ where she is passionate about assisting our clients to achieve their maximum potential through the online learning experience, Real Plus.

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Coping with wild weather disasters

Coping with wild weather disasters

With wild weather battering much of the east coast over the weekend, many property managers may have received distraugh...Read More
Tired of being a broken record?

Tired of being a broken record?

Often property managers feel like broken records, repeating explanations to each tenant and landlord, with the growing...Read More
When you lose a landlord, don’t lose the lesson…

When you lose a landlord, don’t lose the lesson…

None of us want to receive that email or pick up the phone to hear the message that the landlord wants to leave. ...Read More

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it

A message can be delivered in many ways, and it can also be received and heard in an even broader variety of ways. ...Read More

Are you afraid to tell the truth?

Sometimes we can be afraid to tell our landlords the whole honest truth during difficult situations like tough market co...Read More

Want to maximise your new business success this year?

We live in a world of instant gratification. In moments I can look anything up via the magic of Google, I can order a pr...Read More

15 lessons I've learned this year

Instead of the usual goal-setting blog I’d usually write for the year ahead, I thought I would ponder on the lessons I...Read More

Ensure tenants don’t overindulge and underpay rent this Christmas

Christmas should be a fun time, and it is no fun suffering the stress and worry that comes with mounting arrears over th...Read More

Quick computer hacks for PM productivity

I love finding better, faster and smarter ways of doing things, and recently I've realised that not everyone is privy ...Read More