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Home of the REB Top 100 Agents


AUTHOR | No. of articles: 30

Rocky Bartolotto is the national sales director for homely.com.au. Rocky's extensive experience in introducing new product offerings to the market and client management abilities makes him one of the most knowledgeable property specialists in the country. In addition to his time working in the online space, Rocky is also one of Sydney’s top auctioneers, with over 4,000 auctions performed through his business. He is the director and chief auctioneer at Property Auction Services.

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4 ideas to attract and engage potential clients

4 ideas to attract and engage potential clients

Knowing how to attract and engage with new and potential clients can seem like an overwhelming and difficult task at tim...Read More
How to ask clients for referrals

How to ask clients for referrals

Ask any experienced real estate agent where their best source of business comes from and they will most likely say ‘re...Read More
Rocky Bartolotto

6 ways to showcase potential

People who are new to real estate usually want the stunning homes that sell for millions of dollars. The problem with th...Read More
How to avoid problem tenants

How to avoid problem tenants

If you’re managing multiple rental properties, certain problems are bound to arise with tenants and it can be tricky t...Read More

How to ask clients for referrals

Ask any experienced real estate agent where their best source of business comes from, and they will most likely say it's...Read More
Rocky Bartolotto

5 ways to get more buyers from your listings

Writing an enticing real estate listing could be the difference between getting it sold or not. Read More
5 ways to create more interest from your listings

5 ways to create more interest from your listings

A lot of property managers spend most of their time focusing on winning listings and, once they are won, passing the n...Read More
Rocky Bartolotto

Importance of a routine is greater than you imagine

Routine can polarise people. Some people are afraid of routine because it appears things can become mundane, perhaps bor...Read More
Rocky Bartolotto

Lead generation tips you never thought of implementing

Lead generation is the number one objective for a real estate agent. Read More